Thursday, August 4, 2011

What is Truth?

What is truth?

Here on Earth, in our everyday lives, we all have our own perception of the way things are. "We all have our own truths", we often say. Relatively speaking, the smaller truths are relative. We all have our own filter where we analyze things and we then perceive these smaller concepts differently according to our subjective beliefs and opinions. This is true, and we are all entitled to our own relative truths, of course.

On this level of life, where individual thought exists, our differences of opinion separates us from seeing a common bigger picture that we all fit into. When we look to the bigger questions on life and its creation, most people have the very same ‘we all have our own truth’ mindset here - that there is not one great truth that tells us how it all really works and the way things really are because nobody can find that out from here.

For a very long time people have been seeking the truth on the subject of the bigger questions through literary dogmas in philosophies and religions. This way of seeking and believing in finding the one truth that belongs to one or the other dogmatized belief-system is not about finding the universal truth that can be felt and remembered from inside all of us. When we set out on a quest to search for truth within the paradigms of both religion and science we are following guidelines and we are keeping ourselves within the limited perspective of the mind-matrix. Our soul and heart contains all the experiences that cooperatively created the way we now find ourselves walking upon. We are therefore keepers of the way things are and the way things work. We are keepers of the real truth and so the real truth can be felt and expressed here and now, from inside of every Human being, not from a scientific book on our physical Universe or from a religious manuscript that was written some hundreds of years ago.

When we limit our perception of reality the way most people have - life down here truly becomes a riddle, but to truly know that YOU are the answer to that riddle will turn your life around. We all carry the answer to the riddle of life and re-membering into that truth is the very freedom from the walls and the boundaries we have put ourselves in. The answers to the bigger questions, to the Universal Truth, are now being expressed by many people whose intention it is to remind us of that freedom. Those who have re-connected with what is already here, within us, are all speaking the same language because they have all understood the same truth regarding what life is really all about.

The manmade religions and philosophies are all following guidelines that evidently lead their followers far away from honoring this divine spirit that exist within every Human being. Science follows guiding principles too as it needs to have everything proven according to its paradigm. No matter what we Humans choose to identify with, when we accept these paradigms as being our only reality we limit our perception of what truth is and we forget that we all carry the same truth inside of ourselves. Many scientists look upon the teachings of these greater truths and call it a new religion or dogma, and they say that no one knows the whole story but only what science can tell us.

Many of those who have identified with a certain belief system will defend their God, one who is most likely a male God, and will say, to state that we are all co-Creators of these lives and that we are all expressions of both good and evil, is madness. To state that we are all Creators of our own lives sounds diminishing to the deities that are worshiped within the various religions and so it is arrogant to state that we are all equal to this ‘one Creator of all things’. From my own experience I would say that if you know in your heart the truth of how it all works then you don't worship anything. If you truly know the truth and have experienced it in the greater scheme of things, then you don't worship life, God or the truth - you simply understand it. The understanding of our spiritual essence as infinite beings gives us a perspective on what the universal truth is and the fact that it is found from inside of ourselves. The key to unlock our inner wisdom and knowledge that tells us who we are and where we come from is found within the spirit that has long been suppressed and forgotten in the main stream teachings of our society. The re-awakening of the divine all-knowing spirit within is what activates our true knowledge and wisdom. This inner core-essence of ourselves is what reconnects us not only to our unique experiences, but to our universal library that holds all the codes and information about our Universe and beyond. This universal library, or akashic records as many call it, is a gathering of all that has ever taken place in existence. All that has been created in linear time exists beyond time and space and as re-awakened memories it all exists in our timeless present moment of now. We all have access to it, for we have all helped to create the way as eternal members of this Universe.

The logical rational mind does not cope very well with these spiritual insights and of course I cannot prove my experiences or memories to people in the way their mind wants it to. So to satisfy the capacity of the mind I simply suggest to you that we all carry the same truth within us, and it is through our spirit and our heart that we re-connect with this true nature of ourselves and the rest of creation. I feel from the smallest fiber of my being that we, the keepers of time and knowledge, are the truth that is our heart and that within our hearts the same answers to the bigger questions are very well-written as the same never ending story that we are all a part of. I believe that in our everyday search for self-fulfillment and recognition our true heart and our eternal spirit is always there - underneath our mind-identified attachments. If we are able to be present and reconnect with its essence, I believe that it is there for us to see, feel and to know that we are the truth, the wisdom and
the Love that we are all really longing for. Universal truth shall then truly enter our inner garden for us to understand the meaning and intention of our joyful as well as painful processes and cycles of life here as Human beings. Truth is here and now and it is you. You created the riddle from a higher aspect of yourself and you are the answer to it because your heart is intimately connected to the universal library of experiences. YOU are truly the one you have been waiting for. So you want the bigger truth? Go and look in the mirror, your true answer to what we are all doing here will be the same as mine for I am too the mirror that reflects what is within you. Namaste, you ancient God with eternal flame of Love and light.

With Love - that I am - Henrik Sandberg a.k.a. Riki


  1. Hi, my name is Mark in Denver. i want to become a "soldier of truth" (what Gandhi called Socrates). i have already come a long way but am looking to put together a group for support. my experience has been that real truth-seeking, that is, actually seeking larger and deeper truths as opposed to just self-interested probing to confirm preconceived notions or to make more money or to seek comfort, is rare. indeed, almost nonexistent.
    i would probably write different people weekly to seek support and challenge me, it could be email correspondence or something more if desired. i am 59. i could offer others support if desired but mostly want to put together like minded, sincere seekers of truth. is this something you might be interested in? any leads would be appreciated.
    thank you for your consideration, Mark Hanawalt

  2. Hi Mark. I've been using the forums in Amazon for that as well as the forum for those who resonate with George Kavassilas (you can find Final Equinox through his website). You might want to check them out. I have a thread in the Christianity forum on Amazon called The Hidden Hand if you want to join us. Between there and George's forum you would find some good people.
