Monday, January 24, 2011

The Matrix

It has been said by certain mystics (and one to me personally) that this reality is much like what we find in the movie The Matrix...without the computers of course.  In other words, we are not the body and nor are we this one life.  Things are not as they appear to be.  Our Real Self is safe and sound while we play out this apparently dangerous game down here.

“Believe me when I say
We have a difficult time ahead of us.
But if we are to be prepared for it,
We must first shed our fear of it.
I stand here before you now,
Truthfully unafraid.
Because I believe something you do not?
I stand here without fear because
I remember!
I remember that I am here,
Not because of the path that lies before me,
But because of the path that lies behind me.”

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