Friday, December 9, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Don't Be Afraid of the Dark

Don't Be Afraid of the Dark - by Gwen

At the blackest ebb of midnight--
not a single star in sight--
there's a still and quiet whisper
of ebony delight.

It may appear quite frightening
to those without true faith.
But darkness only serves to show
where Light can heal our ways.

If you listen in the stillness
you can hear a voice inside.
It's the steward of the lighthouse
sent to help you through the tide.

So, don't tremble as you stumble
down life's dark and narrow path.
Pick up your torch and lantern
and forge on to greater tasks!

Take heart in your ability
to navigate at night.
And remember that instinctually
you're headed for the Light!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

So I Have a Question - by Jessica Schab

So I Have a Question?

If love is the most powerful, most important thing in the world,
How come it does not rule?
We know that love is the true source
Of health, wealth, and well being.
Each of us is a love container.
Then why do we not love each other equally?
We are capable of revolutionary, mind-numbing love,
So why does not love rule?
Even the very rich are suffering from love deprivation,
And science does not see that love is our life source
While religion sees an absolute Being of love as outside of them.
How sad.
I weep for this place.

So if love is the only true super hero,
As it is smart enough not to fight, to just be,
Sad that to most love is just an out-there fantasy.
Fighting for love is a great fallacy.
So tell me, where do you keep your treasure chest of love hidden?
Does your love have a home?
Or is your love homeless, wandering the streets,
Looking for easy handouts every chance it gets?
Come, tell me, why love does not rule the world?

And why love does not rule your own world?
You have control of that one, at least.
After all, we are the president of our own love.
And we have complete freedom and choice
Every time to dispense as little or as much as we like
Into every moment on-the-go in life.
Let love rule first in you and all you do,
Then watch it emanate off of you,
Projected out into everyone's world.
This is how love can go back to ruling the world.
So I have a question.
If love is the most important thing in the world,
How come it does not rule the world?
How come it does not rule your world?

Jessica Schab

Thursday, August 4, 2011

What is Truth?

What is truth?

Here on Earth, in our everyday lives, we all have our own perception of the way things are. "We all have our own truths", we often say. Relatively speaking, the smaller truths are relative. We all have our own filter where we analyze things and we then perceive these smaller concepts differently according to our subjective beliefs and opinions. This is true, and we are all entitled to our own relative truths, of course.

On this level of life, where individual thought exists, our differences of opinion separates us from seeing a common bigger picture that we all fit into. When we look to the bigger questions on life and its creation, most people have the very same ‘we all have our own truth’ mindset here - that there is not one great truth that tells us how it all really works and the way things really are because nobody can find that out from here.

For a very long time people have been seeking the truth on the subject of the bigger questions through literary dogmas in philosophies and religions. This way of seeking and believing in finding the one truth that belongs to one or the other dogmatized belief-system is not about finding the universal truth that can be felt and remembered from inside all of us. When we set out on a quest to search for truth within the paradigms of both religion and science we are following guidelines and we are keeping ourselves within the limited perspective of the mind-matrix. Our soul and heart contains all the experiences that cooperatively created the way we now find ourselves walking upon. We are therefore keepers of the way things are and the way things work. We are keepers of the real truth and so the real truth can be felt and expressed here and now, from inside of every Human being, not from a scientific book on our physical Universe or from a religious manuscript that was written some hundreds of years ago.

When we limit our perception of reality the way most people have - life down here truly becomes a riddle, but to truly know that YOU are the answer to that riddle will turn your life around. We all carry the answer to the riddle of life and re-membering into that truth is the very freedom from the walls and the boundaries we have put ourselves in. The answers to the bigger questions, to the Universal Truth, are now being expressed by many people whose intention it is to remind us of that freedom. Those who have re-connected with what is already here, within us, are all speaking the same language because they have all understood the same truth regarding what life is really all about.

The manmade religions and philosophies are all following guidelines that evidently lead their followers far away from honoring this divine spirit that exist within every Human being. Science follows guiding principles too as it needs to have everything proven according to its paradigm. No matter what we Humans choose to identify with, when we accept these paradigms as being our only reality we limit our perception of what truth is and we forget that we all carry the same truth inside of ourselves. Many scientists look upon the teachings of these greater truths and call it a new religion or dogma, and they say that no one knows the whole story but only what science can tell us.

Many of those who have identified with a certain belief system will defend their God, one who is most likely a male God, and will say, to state that we are all co-Creators of these lives and that we are all expressions of both good and evil, is madness. To state that we are all Creators of our own lives sounds diminishing to the deities that are worshiped within the various religions and so it is arrogant to state that we are all equal to this ‘one Creator of all things’. From my own experience I would say that if you know in your heart the truth of how it all works then you don't worship anything. If you truly know the truth and have experienced it in the greater scheme of things, then you don't worship life, God or the truth - you simply understand it. The understanding of our spiritual essence as infinite beings gives us a perspective on what the universal truth is and the fact that it is found from inside of ourselves. The key to unlock our inner wisdom and knowledge that tells us who we are and where we come from is found within the spirit that has long been suppressed and forgotten in the main stream teachings of our society. The re-awakening of the divine all-knowing spirit within is what activates our true knowledge and wisdom. This inner core-essence of ourselves is what reconnects us not only to our unique experiences, but to our universal library that holds all the codes and information about our Universe and beyond. This universal library, or akashic records as many call it, is a gathering of all that has ever taken place in existence. All that has been created in linear time exists beyond time and space and as re-awakened memories it all exists in our timeless present moment of now. We all have access to it, for we have all helped to create the way as eternal members of this Universe.

The logical rational mind does not cope very well with these spiritual insights and of course I cannot prove my experiences or memories to people in the way their mind wants it to. So to satisfy the capacity of the mind I simply suggest to you that we all carry the same truth within us, and it is through our spirit and our heart that we re-connect with this true nature of ourselves and the rest of creation. I feel from the smallest fiber of my being that we, the keepers of time and knowledge, are the truth that is our heart and that within our hearts the same answers to the bigger questions are very well-written as the same never ending story that we are all a part of. I believe that in our everyday search for self-fulfillment and recognition our true heart and our eternal spirit is always there - underneath our mind-identified attachments. If we are able to be present and reconnect with its essence, I believe that it is there for us to see, feel and to know that we are the truth, the wisdom and
the Love that we are all really longing for. Universal truth shall then truly enter our inner garden for us to understand the meaning and intention of our joyful as well as painful processes and cycles of life here as Human beings. Truth is here and now and it is you. You created the riddle from a higher aspect of yourself and you are the answer to it because your heart is intimately connected to the universal library of experiences. YOU are truly the one you have been waiting for. So you want the bigger truth? Go and look in the mirror, your true answer to what we are all doing here will be the same as mine for I am too the mirror that reflects what is within you. Namaste, you ancient God with eternal flame of Love and light.

With Love - that I am - Henrik Sandberg a.k.a. Riki

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Jessica Schab

How many times have you killed me - Jessica Schab

Did you think my veil of amnesia would forever stay
You kill me, I keep coming back
I have many lives in this video game we call life
I have more numbers than you can count
And the player behind my controls
Is determined to beat this game
No matter how challenging it is
With frustrations, brain teasers, labyrinths,
And tricky bosses at the end of every level

You wanna play, let's play
With every death
I have learned what not to do
That is a step closer to me understanding
The nature of this game and how it works
And how to resurrect the dead
Of all my brethren of lives they have led
Those are my lives I have lost to this game
But oh, not in vain

So here I am again, ready to face you
I've gotten the message that you are my relative
You are the part of me that is self-destructive
With this realization I can feel love for you
Forgiveness is about to ensue
That is all I needed to do

Now we have won
It is a tie game
We are one and the same

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Expanding Earth?

This one is a little tough to accept (and I have no idea if it's true or not), but I think he makes some good points if you read down through the front page of his website.  What does this have to do with spirituality?  Well, when you consider that we are like batteries for consciousness (like in the Matrix) and that every entity's purpose is to grow and that this planet actually is singular consciousness...well, it could follow that there has been a very slow growth in the physical planet itself.

Mike Adams - The God Within - Exposing the False Philosophy of Modern Science

Friday, April 29, 2011


Chapter 24

The purpose of the journey into the depths of humanness.

The inclination to place the concept of God in an exalted position within the framework of a personal philosophy is at the root of all that holds one back in one’s experience of God. For God is not within you to be worshipped, or feared, or even to be understood, but rather, to be experienced and known. The very act of the exultation of the Divine creates a delineation between that Divine presence and oneself—a state of separation that constitutes a barrier to the very connection that one most fervently wishes to realize.

The God within all life does not seek to be placed on a pedestal, but hopes to be discovered as the source of one’s own essence. The God to whom you pray and from whom you beg mercy or miracles is no more capable of manifesting the answer to your prayers than you are. The only difference between you and God is that God knows it—and you don’t.

Our purpose in coming here to tell you the truth of the nature of Creation is not to provide you with the basis for yet another religion to which you can serve up your power. It is surely not to equip the charismatic amongst you with the tools to command the devotion and resources of your fellow beings. And it is surely not our purpose to create a new set of parameters for humankind to wield as evidence of a God who would remain in an exalted position to each of you. For the God that speaks to you now, in this moment, is Oneness—the Oneness that dwells within each of you.

Man has created God in an image that we are not here to “live up to.” For to embody the exalted concept of the Divine, to the exclusion of all else, would limit the scope of all that Oneness is. For Oneness is you. All of you. The qualities that you strive most diligently to transcend are no less characteristic of what Oneness is than your highest thought or action. For what Oneness is, simply Is. There is no judgment. There is no higher or lower. All is Oneness.

The delineation and compartmentalization of the concept of God is the training you have come here to transcend. You have not come here to weigh the relative merits of one body of self-righteous dogma over another. You have come into form in these times to liberate yourself from the human tendency to do so. You have come to taste the experience of your own connectedness to All That Is. Not for the purpose of knowing God, but rather, for the purpose of knowing yourself.

We speak to you now, not as the “God” whom you would perceive to be separate from all that you are. But rather as Oneness—the Oneness that is the very essence of each of you. As you fine-tune your ability to manifest your experience as you would wish it to be, you are taking command of your identity as a creative being. A being who is able to create, to manifest, to materialize, and to dematerialize is a being that is exercising mastery over the limitations imposed by ideas of separation. When one is in conscious alignment with the sum-totality of one’s connectedness to All That Is, there is no limit to what can be experienced or created in physical form. The question for those who have perfected these skills is whether one wishes to expend one’s energies manifesting the mundane into form or whether one feels sufficiently complete with that experience to cease having to do so.

Ultimately, as one harmonizes with the higher energies and merges with the aspects of self at those levels, one realizes that one’s focus has shifted. The transition happens in a very natural way. And often, one is not even aware that such a transformation has occurred. Rather, one becomes aware of subtle differences in emphasis and with one’s perception of one’s life direction. One is often compelled to cast off the constraints imposed by a life structure built upon a foundation of striving for material gain, and to redirect one’s energies to the manifestation of the experience of harmony for all beings.

The opportunity, once one has tasted the heightened sensibilities characteristic of ascending to accelerated levels of reality, is not to emerge from that experience of knowing with a “holier than thou” outlook with regard to one’s fellow beings. The opportunity inherent in one’s own realization of Oneness is to know that such experiences are happening to everyone, quite literally. The factor that determines who is able to integrate the experience as a catalyst for transformation and who is not is the degree to which one’s perceptions are invalidated by denial.

Those who are sufficiently free within themselves to embrace their transformational moment and cast aside a lifetime of culturally induced beliefs are those whose lives transform in ways that seem miraculous. These are the ones who often become the teachers of the masses. For, they can teach the trials of transformation from the standpoint of having lived through the most poignant shifts in consciousness, rather than simply having intellectualized those concepts theoretically. Each of you has chosen to choreograph particular challenges into your personal life drama in order to reach the transformational realizations experientially. And it is important that judgment be suspended as to the path some may have chosen as a means of reaching a transcendent state of being.

Many will choose to punctuate their journeys with experiences that might be considered to be radical deviations from a spiritually focused path. Such individuals should not be presumed to be off track, but rather, given the latitude to create their own perfect route to the attainment of higher wisdom. For some of you, that journey necessitates experiences of plummeting to the depths of humanness in order to prepare a foundation for comprehending and appreciating the heights to come. And these beings are not to be considered in any way less God-like in their core essence than those amongst you whose journeys have been less dramatic.

Each of you has a particular focus that has been preselected as the highest path to your chosen destination. And each of you is diligently enacting those choices. The degree to which the repetition of these themes is necessary is the option with which most of you struggle in these times, and the obstacle all of you are destined to surmount—each in your own time.

The experience of Oneness is not a destination toward which you strive in your journey toward self-mastery, but rather the essence of the journey itself. For Oneness is your experience of beingness in this present moment. And Oneness is the experience to be encountered at the very next stage of your development. Oneness is every exalted plateau encountered and every stumbling block that trips you and leaves you disheartened and wallowing in the depths of despair. Oneness is the full gamut of your journey into humanness. For, this experience is what you have come into form to have.

Be not so quick to judge yourself or others who stumble beside you on your sacred journey. It is naïve to assume that a simple, obstacle-free path is a symptom of spiritual advancement. Oftentimes, a more challenging route has been chosen, purposefully, as a means of providing the rich depths of understanding that would not be possible through a life script that merely skimmed the surface of the human condition.

So, by all means, experience your experience. Live your life fully. Feel your feelings deeply. And know that the highest expression of your experience of aliveness is in knowing that all of it is your own creation. For in that acceptance of total responsibility for the condition you consider to be your life is the key to the realization that your life is so much more than that. In acknowledging that you are the creator of your existence, you open to the experience of Oneness, as the Creator of All Existence.

Oneness did not limit Creation to a landscape of bland, monochromatic vistas. The canvas of life is awash with the richness of contrasts. The highs and the lows of the terrain of your world reflect vividly the duality that is the nature of your incarnate experience. The duality that is a built-in characteristic of your very existence is that which you fervently deny and that which must be embraced in order to be freed from the endless cycles of creating those patterns.

The Oneness, toward which you strive energetically, is comprised of those polarities. And it is not possible for you to ascend into an exalted state of balance without encompassing all ends of the energetic spectrum. All must be embraced, at this stage of your journey, to prepare you to embody the totality vibrationally. Efforts to suppress inclinations that you would consider to be negative, and denying that those emotional reactions are part of your response mechanism, only serves to magnetize to you circumstances calculated to trigger those very emotions.

The emotion itself is not an obstacle to your spiritual progress. Rather, it is the unbridled expression of such emotions that puts one in a repetitive cycle of adverse experiences. The objective is surely not to deny that one is capable of feeling emotions that one would consider to be negative. Quite the contrary. The objective is in feeling those spontaneous responses fully and deeply while relinquishing the impulse to allow that emotion to govern your response.

Once transcendence of these patterns of experience becomes established, the key to maintaining your freedom from such episodes lies not in denying that you have the capability of feeling such emotions, but rather, in embracing those tendencies.

Your feeling body is a key characteristic of your very humanness. And you cannot transcend the limitations of humanness by limiting your experience of it. Your actions, therefore, become the reflection of choice rather than reaction. And your world begins to reflect those conscious choices and resonate in harmony with your environment and your fellow creatures.

The exquisite state of balance toward which you strive is the culmination of the full spectrum of life experience, both positive and negative. As you begin to taste that rarified state with increasing frequency, it is important to be aware that the capability of manifesting adversity still remains, albeit to a diminishing extent. For, vibrationally, the catalysts for such categories of experience would still be present in your energy field. Clarity regarding the nature of the process helps you to avoid the natural tendency to fault oneself when such episodes occur and inadvertently plunge you into a downward spiral of adversity.

Be gentle with yourself during this process. And allow yourself the grace of experiencing fully your humanness. For to do so is the path to all you would wish to experience in the times soon to come. Become the embodiment of the highest loving intent in every moment, and you become the director of your life drama, rather than its reluctant star performer. Allow the fullness of your presence as a Light being to express, as energy, through your form, and you create the parameters for the fullness of that energy to manifest as your life experience. Create from a place of spontaneous centeredness, radiating your unquestioning knowledge of your limitlessness as an expression of Oneness in human form, and you will reap the bounty that is the inherent potential of that blessed condition.

You have chosen to experience humanness as the most direct vehicle to the culmination of your sacred journey as a being. And the human being aspects of that adventure were expected and anticipated. The opportunity inherent in the voyage into humanness is to integrate the epitome of your understandings of yourself as a limitless being with the self-definition that constitutes your emergence as energy in form. To have arrived at this stage of development is a major threshold. And to have undertaken the challenges of a physical lifetime is, in itself, a testimonial to great courage. For the physical world is fraught with every adversity imaginable, quite literally. And the training possible is to harness that potential from a position of inner strength rather than from a position of might.

Those with the strongest abilities often encounter the most extreme obstacles and hardships in order to direct their quest toward the strength from within. For the manipulation of the physical manifestations of your world rarely produces the realization of your hopes and dreams. And those for whom those skills come easy often have greater challenges to overcome than less capable fellow travelers. For cleverness and talent rarely guarantee results in and of themselves. And such gifts can prove to be handicaps without a sense of how those abilities harmonize with more profound understandings of the nature of reality.

The attainment of balance can be the foundation for a profound epic for some of you, who have sought on a soul level to achieve completion of such themes in this lifetime. For the potential in these times is to be able to ride the crest of the wave, vibrationally, and to take quantum leaps in consciousness as a result. The potential drawbacks in having undertaken such a journey, are the experiential ramifications of jumping on the vibrational roller-coaster of these times. One may have a lifetime of scuffs and bruises to show for the ride. And the experience, to be sure, is not entirely pleasant. But then, it wasn’t meant to be. It was meant to be full, and rich, and rewarding in ways that cannot be measured—not until the physical form has been relinquished and a higher perspective is once again possible.

Undertaking a physical lifetime is not unlike volunteering to serve in the front lines in conditions of combat. Every nuance of one’s ability is put to the test on a moment-to-moment basis. The potential for emerging from the experience as a hero, in the highest sense, is great, regardless of whether or not one actually survives. For the potential in terms of inner growth and self-mastery is unsurpassed.

You who have chosen the experience of a physical incarnation under the conditions of these times in human history did so fully aware of the consequences of such a choice. Many chose to consciously harness the potential in those conditions by casting themselves in scripts that would provide for extremes of experience. For the potential for spiritual growth inherent in such a path far outweighs the inconvenience of the cuts and scrapes, and the pain in the inevitable wounds one knew one would bear.

It was all part of the plan. You walked into this experience of a lifetime with your eyes wide open. And you did so for the chance that you might emerge from the experience with your eyes wide open. You did so for the chance that you might taste your own Divinity, in the exalted state of physical presence, despite every conceivable obstacle you could think to place in your own way. Your objective was to transcend the limitations of your humanness, and to experience that state through the senses of a physical state of being.

This is who you are. This is the hero who lives at the heart of all you would fault and criticize within yourself. This is the blessed being of Light who ventured forth in this lifetime, in uncharted territory, on the chance that a map might be drawn to the Source within. This is the one who often thinks that the journey is some sort of race against time, when the truth is—there is no time. And surely, there is no race. For, the experience is not one to be hurried—but rather, to be savored.

Your journey into physicality was embarked upon for the purpose of amassing a body of experience to support the conclusions you will, quite naturally, draw from having lived through them. Thus, the experiences of your life are both the catalysts for your spiritual growth and the supporting evidence for the realizations that underlie it. You cannot hope to reach these understandings without having weathered a storm or two. The purpose of this incarnation is not to have glossed over the table of contents, but to have explored in depth some of the most poignant and excruciating passages.

Those moments when you judge yourself most harshly and in which you feel you let yourself down are the moments most deeply yearned for as a soul. For, in the moments you look back upon with deepest regret—the ones that conjure up within you the most profound humiliation in your own eyes—are the moments for which you chose a human incarnation. These key experiences serve as reference points for you to underscore the themes you have acted out. And your purpose in drawing these experiences to you was in creating moments that would be truly unforgettable. Your darkest hour was, in actuality, your shining moment. For, in the authenticity of your emotional experience was your key to your liberation from the pattern that keeps you rooted in the pain of separation from who you really Are.

In order to transcend the patterns of agony that lurk beneath the surface of your polished veneer, it is necessary for you to transcend the emotional barrenness that your cultural conditioning has supported. You have been prodded, energetically, into facing the truth of what lies buried there. You have been goaded by circumstances into feeling the rawness of your unresolved anger and grief, your envy and your selfishness, and your all-consuming fears. For, these are the attributes that are co-creating with you a reality that persists in undermining your dreams.

As you ascend into the higher realms of consciousness, you will need to have mastered these attributes. You will need to have come to grips with all that now has you in its grasp. And to do so, you will need to recognize the truth of what motivates your patterns of response, and the categories of experience that dominate your life. The key to the self-mastery that is so fervently sought by you who are so keenly aware of your process of evolution, is not to love yourself despite your perceived shortcomings—but rather, to love yourself because of them.

The self-love that is the end result of this process is not a conditional reward that is meted out for high marks and polished performance. It is there without regard for issues of worthiness or unworthiness. For, there is no place for judgment at all. You are the perfection of Oneness, with the uniqueness of identity, striving toward Self-recognition. And in your embracing of all that you Are—and in your acceptance of all that you are not, despite the evidence that you may have demonstrated along the way—is the unconditional gift of wholeness that awaits you.

The Oneness toward which you strive, as you stumble and fall in your daily trials, is the natural consequence of all of it. The profound sense of belonging that has eluded you all your life awaits you. For the sense of separation from your Divine connectedness is the illusion. It is this that will be transcended within each of you as you ascend into the higher states of awareness. Not just the privileged few, but all of you. It cannot be otherwise. It may take some of you longer than others to arrive at that blessed state. And some may choose to spend lifetimes working out the details of those agreements. But the end result is inevitable. For all Is Oneness. And, ultimately, all will know themselves to Be Oneness. Some of you, sooner than you can imagine.

Rupert Sheldrake

Thursday, March 17, 2011

George Kavassilas - Message for 2011

This interview was filmed in January 2011 but this segment was just released.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Price Tag

Seems like everybody's got a price,
I wonder how they sleep at night.
When the sale comes first,
And the truth comes second,
Just stop, for a minute and

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


These guys seem to have it figured out when it comes to human health, especially as it relates to preventive measures, detoxification, health optimization, body types and the resolution of chronic issues that the mainstream system can't seem to solve without drugs and suppression.

Dr. Larry Wilson

Analytical Research Labs

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Eckhart Tolle

Tolle is fantastic.  I've listened to most of his books in the car.  He has such a nice voice and demeanor.  His mainstream appeal makes me hesitate to include him because there are so many misperceptions of him by now. He has become like his own religion in some circles...complete with detractors.  But his wisdom is timeless and worth hearing.  I especially liked his Findhorn Retreat because it was recored live and included all of the spontaneous humor and so forth that you don't get with a studio-produced audio book.

The Walk-in

This is a concept few will be familiar with.  I know several walk-ins personally.  This is not something to wish for or create, it is just something that happens sometimes as part of the grand scheme of things.  Some people will be fearful of this concept but it's nothing to be feared.  In fact, it's so seamless that most walk-ins don't find out until much later, if at all, that it even happened.

There are many different ideas about what a walk-in is and the circumstances that surround them.  Lisa Renee claims that her awakening experience was actually a walk-in, except that she uses the term to describe something different than the classic walk-in usually understood to take place.

I personally think Eckhart Tolle is a walk-in because of how his awakening happened.  One night he fell asleep in despair over his life and felt himself falling into a tunnel.  The next day he woke up to what he described as "a new world like I had never seen it before".  To some that may sound like a "re-birth" of sorts.  But after becoming intimate with the walk-in phemonenon through people I actually know, Tolle seems like a classic walk-in.  The previous soul was simply done with this life for whatever reason, and a more advanced one traded places with it (they are always more advanced).  How else to do you explain the sudden and overnight transformation of consciousness?


It seems worth including some links about Out of Body Experiences.  There are a bunch of books on the subject and here are a couple of the main websites/authors that I'm familiar with.

Lisa M. Harrison

I posted her interview with Lisa Renee, but I thought I should include her own website/blog and YouTube channel where some of her other information and interviews are located.  Lisa is not a mystic herself from what I can tell, but she is a very genuine person with an excellent personality for interviewing people.  She comes up with good questions and has a calm way about her.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Past Life Regression

(Including Between Life Regression)

I'm reading Journey of Souls by Dr. Michael Newton and I have to say that it is excellent.  He's written 4 books from what I can tell and I have two of them so far.  He himself seems like a very genuine person who just stumbled onto this stuff accidentally through his regular therapy practice.

This stuff reads like near death experiences except with the ability to question the person under calm and controlled circumstances.  NDE's usually happen quickly under stress and must be recounted later.

Part 1 of 5

Near Death Experiences (NDE)
Part 1 of 5


Some Music


I quick note about posts for anyone visiting this blog.  Only the most recent posts are visible on this page (while this post is still on the front page).  Please use the Archive buttons to the right to go back through older posts and open up the contents list which shows the post titles from earlier months.  This blog was started in January 2011, so don't bother looking for anything older.

Please also notice the introduction (first post) which explains that the original intended purpose of this blog is/was to keep track of all the various websites and videos (as well as my comments when I get around to adding them) for the various perspectives on spirituality and these potentially interesting times we seem to live in.

Monday, February 7, 2011

New Humans

Mary Rodwell presents testimony from over 1600 cases, that indicates how advanced extraterrestrial intelligences are preparing the human psyche to accept their presence on our planet. Evidence of complex extraterrestrial programs, which will enable us to interact with and communicate with them, as well as understand our place in the cosmos.
This involves downloads of data such as our true genetic origins, using our psi skills with advanced technology, manipulation of matter, astrophysics and healing. Coupled with genetic, and spiritual programs for awakening of human consciousness, to assist humanity to evolve into a fully functional multidimensional human, Homo Noetics. The New Humans.
Mary Rodwell presented “The New Human – Starchildren & Indigos” on Sunday 8th August, 2010 at the Leeds Exopolitics Expo.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

George Kavassilas - Messages from the Heart #7

This video was created from a written letter authored by George.  It is a computer generated voice and is not his own.  George and his website were linked earlier in the blog with one of his main video presentations.

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Matrix

It has been said by certain mystics (and one to me personally) that this reality is much like what we find in the movie The Matrix...without the computers of course.  In other words, we are not the body and nor are we this one life.  Things are not as they appear to be.  Our Real Self is safe and sound while we play out this apparently dangerous game down here.

“Believe me when I say
We have a difficult time ahead of us.
But if we are to be prepared for it,
We must first shed our fear of it.
I stand here before you now,
Truthfully unafraid.
Because I believe something you do not?
I stand here without fear because
I remember!
I remember that I am here,
Not because of the path that lies before me,
But because of the path that lies behind me.”

Sunday, January 23, 2011

David Icke at Brixton Academy

David Icke is a unique one.  I used to think he was nuts, but the more I learn the less I think so.  One thing is for sure, he has gone out on a limb for many years now trying to wake people up to what this reality is about.  I personally prefer the spiritual side of his message to the political/conspiratorial side, but David reaches his own type of person in his own way...and that is as it should be.

Part 1 of 12

Lisa Renee - Ascension Basics - Jan 2011

Part 1 of 9

J. Krishnamurti

The core of Krishnamurti’s teaching is contained in the statement he made in 1929 when he said, “Truth is a pathless land”. Man cannot come to it through any organization, through any creed, through any dogma, priest or ritual, not through any philosophical knowledge or psychological technique. He has to find it through the mirror of relationship, through the understanding of the contents of his own mind, through observation and not through intellectual analysis or introspective dissection.

Man has built in himself images as a fence of security—religious, political, personal. These manifest as symbols, ideas, beliefs. The burden of these images dominates man’s thinking, his relationships, and his daily life. These images are the causes of our problems for they divide man from man. His perception of life is shaped by the concepts already established in his mind. The content of his consciousness is his entire existence. The individuality is the name, the form and superficial culture he acquires from tradition and environment. The uniqueness of man does not lie in the superficial but in complete freedom from the content of his consciousness, which is common to all humanity. So he is not an individual.

Freedom is not a reaction; freedom is not choice. It is man’s pretence that because he has choice he is free. Freedom is pure observation without direction, without fear of punishment and reward. Freedom is without motive; freedom is not at the end of the evolution of man but lies in the first step of his existence. In observation one begins to discover the lack of freedom. Freedom is found in the choiceless awareness of our daily existence and activity.

Thought is time. Thought is born of experience and knowledge, which are inseparable from time and the past. Time is the psychological enemy of man. Our action is based on knowledge and therefore time, so man is always a slave to the past. Thought is ever limited and so we live in constant conflict and struggle. There is no psychological evolution. When man becomes aware of the movement of his own thoughts, he will see the division between the thinker and thought, the observer and the observed, the experiencer and the experience. He will discover that this division is an illusion. Then only is there pure observation which is insight without any shadow of the past or of time. This timeless insight brings about a deep, radical mutation in the mind.

Total negation is the essence of the positive. When there is negation of all those things that thought has brought about psychologically, only then is there love, which is compassion and intelligence.

Copyright ©1980 Krishnamurti Foundation Trust Ltd.


Adya has written several books but I enjoy him most in audio or video.  In fact, I wonder if he wrote the books or if they were just transcribed from his audio recordings.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


Solara wrote several books in the last 80's and early 90's about 2011 and the changes that would be coming.  She plans to complete her work sometime in late 2011 or 2012.

Sandy Stevenson

Online Bible Search

Spirit Daily

The Legend of Atlantis

Part 1 of 25

Katy Perry - Firework


This site was one of the first that got me back into spirituality back in 2004 or so when things started to seem interesting around the world.  He does quite a job of weaving prophecies from different places into one story.  He includes the prophecies from Fatima and Nostradamus and St. Malachy and others.

Bill Hicks - It's Just a Ride

Aliens, Angels, Apocalypse: An Advaita Perspective

"To understand the true significance of the extraordinary world events that are unfolding around us, we must activate what Sat Yogis call our buddhi, our capacity for multidimensional integrative intelligence. When we do that, we become buddhas. Buddhas have access to the omniscient wisdom of the Akashic dimension and its unlimited storehouse of information. We need that information now, and thus we need to realize our buddha-nature, if we are to navigate accurately through these apocalyptic times."

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Laura Magdalene Eisenhower

Laura, as her surname implies, is the great-granddaughter of the former President.

Prophecy of the Popes (St. Malachy)

The Grand Awakening

The 2012 Scenario and Steve Beckow

The Essays of Brother Anonymous

This is an amazing repository of enlightenment.  It took Steve Beckow (Brother Anonymous) 20 years to compile everything he learned from an 8 second experience through the universe.  The size of this site and the written information contained in it is staggering...and enjoyable.

David Icke - Still Crazy?

The Watchers by B.o.B

Michael Sharp

Michael Sharp has written several paperbacks and ebooks related to spirituality and the purpose of the universe.  He maintains an extensive website and several of his books are provided free of charge, with a new one added to the free list each year.

Lisa Renee

As one learns from her videos and interviews, Lisa went through an awakening in the early 2000's that included severe physical symptoms for awhile.  It took her several years to adjust to the changes that were happening and to settle into her new role.
Part 1 of 6

Part 1 of 8

George Kavassilas

Our Journey and the Grand Deception.  Part 1 of 22.  Many other audio and video interviews on website.

The World is Waking Up

Thursday, January 20, 2011


This site is used to assemble and store the many different resources for spiritual understanding that I have come across in my years of seeking them.  It is intended to contain all the links to videos and websites that I deem relevant...and all in one place, inclusive of my comments.

Not all postings will agree with each other.  Individual perspectives have that affect.  Each person sees what they can and should from their own perspective.  In the end, any perspective from another person is just that, and is of limited use to those they share it with.  However, learning from the experiences of others is a valuable tool since there is no way for any one person to have all experiences or make all mistakes.

May we remember that each journey is unique and that all beings deserve the same freedom of expression.